
Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Repair
The ATC-43 USB contains an indexed pdf of three reports, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic Procedures Manual...
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Minimum quantity for "Evaluation and Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings" is 1.

Post-Disaster, Extreme Wind, Coastal Inundation, Research
The ATC-44 report, Hurricane Fran, North Carolina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance Report, was funded by the Applied Technology Council. (Published...
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Minimum quantity for "Hurricane Fran, North Carolina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance Report" is 1.

Coastal Inundation, Research, Pre-Disaster, Extreme Wind
The ATC-45 Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings After Windstorms and Floods was developed with funding from ATC, the ATC Endowment Fund , and the...
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Minimum quantity for "Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridge Design and Retrofit
The ATC-49-1 report, Liquefaction Study Report , was prepared by a joint venture partnership between ATC and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake...
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Minimum quantity for "Liquefaction Study Report Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges" is 1.

Building Evaluation, Safety Evaluation, Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-54 report, Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response, was funded by the California Strong Motion...
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Minimum quantity for "Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Technical Brief, Earthquake and Tsunami
This publication, ATC TechBrief 1, Liquefaction Maps , was developed under a contract with the United States Geological Survey. (Published 1996, 12 pages)...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Liquefaction Maps" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridge Design and Retrofit, Retrofit
The ATC-33b (FEMA 274) report, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, was developed under a contract with the...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 274, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings" is 1.

Bridge Design and Retrofit, Retrofit, Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-33c (FEMA 276) report, Example Applications of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, was developed under a contract...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 276, Example Applications of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings" is 1.

Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Repair
The ATC-43a (FEMA 306) report, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic Procedures Manual , was developed under the...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "FEMA 306, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic Procedures Manual" is 1.

Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Repair
The ATC-43b (FEMA 307) report, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Technical Resources was developed under the ATC-43...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "FEMA 307, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Technical Resources" is 1.

Bridge Design and Retrofit, Retrofit, Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-33d (FEMA 356) report was developed under a cooperative agreement between the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Society of Civil...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "FEMA 356, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings" is 1.

Building Design, Pre-Disaster, Structural, Structural - General, Earthquake and Tsunami
**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD**  An electronic copy of this report is available from the  FEMA library . The ATC-55 (FEMA 440) report, Improvement of...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 440, Improvement of Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures" is 1.