
Bridge Design and Retrofit, Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridges & Lifelines
The ATC-6 report, Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges , was published under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). (Published...
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Earthquake and Tsunami, Damage and Loss Estimation
The ATC-25 report, Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States ,æ was developed under a contract from the...
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States" is 1.

Building Evaluation, Earthquake and Tsunami, Structural Evaluation, Pre-Disaster
The ATC-40 report, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, was developed under a contract from the California Seismic Safety Commission....
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings" is 1.

Bridge Design and Retrofit, Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridges & Lifelines
The ATC-49 report, Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges , is a 2-volume set prepared by a joint venture partnership...
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Minimum quantity for "Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Evaluation, Structural Evaluation, Proceedings
The ATC-51 report, U.S.-Italy Collaborative Recommendations for Improved Seismic Safety of Hospitals in Italy , was developed under a contract with...
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Minimum quantity for "U.S.-Italy Collaborative Recommendations for Improved Seismic Safety of Hospitals in Italy" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Structural Evaluation, Proceedings, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Evaluation
The ATC-51-1 report, Recommended U.S.-Italy Collaborative Procedures for Earthquake Emergency Response Planning for Hospitals in Italy , was developed...
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Minimum quantity for "Recommended U.S.-Italy Collaborative Procedures for Earthquake Emergency Response Planning for Hospitals in Italy" is 1.

Proceedings, Structural Evaluation, Earthquake and Tsunami, Pre-Disaster, Building Evaluation, Nonstructural, Building Design
The ATC-51-2 report, Recommended U.S.-Italy Collaborative Guidelines for Bracing and Anchoring Nonstructural Components in Italian Hospitals , was...
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Minimum quantity for "Recommended U.S.-Italy Collaborative Guidelines for Bracing and Anchoring Nonstructural Components in Italian Hospitals" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Research Reports, Structural, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design
The ATC-57 report, The Missing Piece: Improving Seismic Design and Construction Practices , was funded by the National Institute of Standards and...
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Minimum quantity for "The Missing Piece: Improving Seismic Design and Construction Practices" is 1.

Building Design, Extreme Wind, Coastal Inundation
he ATC-60, SEAW Commentary on Wind Code Provisions , 2-volume report was developed by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) and edited...
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Minimum quantity for "SEAW Commentary on Wind Code Provisions" is 1.

Repair, Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design
The ATC-43c (FEMA 308) report, The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings , was developed under the ATC-43 Project, for FEMA...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 308, The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Structural, Steel Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design
The ATC-41a (FEMA 350) report, Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 350, Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Structural, Steel Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design
The ATC-41b (FEMA 351) report, Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings , was funded by the...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 351, Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings" is 1.