Earthquake and Tsunami

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Earthquake and Tsunami, Proceedings
The ATC-35 report, Enhancing the Transfer of U.S. Geological Survey Research Results into Engineering Practice , was developed under a cooperative...
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Minimum quantity for "Enhancing the Transfer of U.S. Geological Survey Research Results into Engineering Practice" is 1.

Steel Buildings, Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Structural
The SAC/BD-00/07, Dynamic Tension Tests of Simulated Welded Beam Flange Connections , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the...
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Minimum quantity for "Dynamic Tension Tests of Simulated Welded Beam Flange Connections" is 1.

Steel Buildings, Structural, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Pre-Disaster
The SAC-96-01 report, Experimental Investigations of Beam-Column Subassemblages, Part 1 and 2 , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency...
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Minimum quantity for "Experimental Investigations of Beam-Column Subassemblages, Part 1 and 2" is 1.

Building Design, Pre-Disaster, Structural, Steel Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami
The SAC/BD-00/29, Inspection Technology Workshop , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the California Office of Emergency...
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Minimum quantity for "Inspection Technology Workshop" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Structural, Steel Buildings
The SAC/BD-99/14, Simplified Loss Estimation for Pre-Northridge WSMF Buildings , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the...
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Minimum quantity for "Simplified Loss Estimation for Pre-Northridge WSMF Buildings" is 1.

Earthquake and Tsunami, Pre-Disaster, Research Reports, Building Design
The ATC-73 report, NEHRP Workshop on Meeting the Challenges of Existing Buildings Prioritized Research for Reducing the Seismic Hazards of Existing...

Minimum quantity for "NEHRP Workshop on Meeting the Challenges of Existing Buildings Prioritized Research for Reducing the Seismic Hazards of Existing Buildings" is 1.

Building Evaluation, Safety Evaluation, Post-Disaster, Technical Brief, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC TechBrief 2, Earthquake Aftershocks -- Entering Damaged Buildings , was developed under a contract with the United States Geological Survey....
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Minimum quantity for "Earthquake Aftershocks - Entering Damaged Buildings" is 1.

Building Design, Pre-Disaster, Structural, Steel Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-41f (FEMA 355A) report, State of the Art Report on Base Metals and Fracture , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 355A, State of the Art Report on Base Metals and Fracture" is 1.

Building Design, Pre-Disaster, Structural, Steel Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-41d (FEMA 353) report, Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for Seismic Applications ,...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 353, Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for Seismic Applications" is 1.

Pre-Disaster, Building Design, Steel Buildings, Structural, Earthquake and Tsunami
The SAC/BD-98/02, Effects of Strain Hardening and Strain Aging on the K-Region of Structural Shapes , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency...
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Minimum quantity for "Effects of Strain Hardening and Strain Aging on the K-Region of Structural Shapes" is 1.

Building Design, Pre-Disaster, Structural, Wood-Frame Buildings, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-50-2 report, Safer at Home in Earthquakes: A Proposed Earthquake Safety Program , was funded by the City of Los Angeles, and by a Federal Emergency...
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Minimum quantity for "Safer at Home in Earthquakes: A Proposed Earthquake Safety Program" is 1.

Building Design, Earthquake and Tsunami, Steel Buildings, Structural, Pre-Disaster
The SAC/BD-99/23, Failure Analysis of Welded Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Connections Parts I and II , was funded by the Federal Emergency Management...
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Minimum quantity for "Failure Analysis of Welded Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Connections Parts I and II" is 1.