Earthquake and Tsunami

**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD**  An electronic copy of this report is available from the  FEMA library . This Example Application Guide provides...
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Earthquake and Tsunami, Damage and Loss Estimation, Bridges & Lifelines
The ATC-25-1 report, A Model Methodology for Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Water Supply Systems , was developed under a...
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Minimum quantity for "A Model Methodology for Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Water Supply Systems" is 1.

Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridges & Lifelines, Bridge Design and Retrofit
The ATC-6-2 report, Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for Highway Bridges , was published under a contract with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)....
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for Highway Bridges" is 1.

Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Evaluation, Safety Evaluation, Post-Disaster
The ATC-54 report, Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response, was funded by the California Strong Motion...
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Minimum quantity for "Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response" is 1.

The NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 13: Seismic Design of Precast Concrete Diaphragms , A Guide for Practicing Engineers , was produced under...
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Earthquake and Tsunami, Damage and Loss Estimation, Bridges & Lifelines
The ATC-25 report, Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States ,æ was developed under a contract from the...
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-10 report, An Investigation of the Correlation Between Earthquake Ground Motion and Building Performance , was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey...
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Minimum quantity for "An Investigation of the Correlation Between Earthquake Ground Motion and Building Performance" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Earthquake and Tsunami
Task Order 10 (ATC-83 Project), Improved Procedures for Characterizing and Modeling Soil-Structure Interaction for Performance-Based Seismic...
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Minimum quantity for "Soil-Structure Interaction for Building Structures" is 1.

Bridge Design and Retrofit, Bridges & Lifelines, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-49-1 report, Liquefaction Study Report , was prepared by a joint venture partnership between ATC and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake...
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Minimum quantity for "Liquefaction Study Report Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges" is 1.

Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Building Evaluation, Pre-Disaster, Structural Evaluation

This publication was developed to provide school administrators with the information necessary to assess the seismic vulnerability of their buildings, and to implement a program of incremental seismic rehabilitation for those buildings.

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Minimum quantity for "FEMA 395, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of School Buildings (K-12): Providing Protection to People and Buildings" is 1.

**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD**  An electronic copy of this report is available from the  FEMA library . This report, Seismic Evaluation of Older...
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Minimum quantity for "FEMA P-2018, Seismic Evaluation of Older Concrete Buildings for Collapse Potential" is 1.

Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridges & Lifelines, Bridge Design and Retrofit
The ATC-6 report, Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges , was published under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). (Published...
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Minimum quantity for "Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges" is 1.