
Building Evaluation, Safety Evaluation, Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-31 report, Evaluation of the Performance of Seismically Retrofitted Buildings, was developed under a contract from the National Institute of...
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Minimum quantity for "Evaluation of the Performance of Seismically Retrofitted Buildings" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Bridge Design and Retrofit, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-32 report, Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional Recommendations , was funded by the California Department of...
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Minimum quantity for "Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional Recommendations" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Bridge Design and Retrofit, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-32-1 report, Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Resource Document , was funded by Caltrans. (Published 1996, 365 pages, paper...
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Minimum quantity for "Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Resource Document" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Bridge Design and Retrofit, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-32-1 report, Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Resource Document , is now available in electronic pdf format on USB. The...
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Minimum quantity for "Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Resource Document -- USB" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Proceedings, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-35-1 report, Proceedings of Seminar on New Developments in Earthquake Ground Motion Estimation and Implications for Engineering Design Practice ,...
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Minimum quantity for "Proceedings of Seminar on New Developments in Earthquake Ground Motion Estimation and Implications for Engineering Design Practice" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Earthquake and Tsunami, Proceedings
The ATC-35-2 report, Proceedings of National Earthquake Ground Motion Mapping Workshop, was developed under a cooperative agreement with the U.S....
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Minimum quantity for "Proceedings of National Earthquake Ground Motion Mapping Workshop" is 1.

Ground Motion & Geo Tech Eng, Earthquake and Tsunami, Proceedings
The ATC-35-3 report, Proceedings of Workshop on Improved Characterization of Strong Ground Shaking for Seismic Design , was developed under a cooperative...
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Minimum quantity for "Proceedings of Workshop on Improved Characterization of Strong Ground Shaking for Seismic Design" is 1.

Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami, Building Design, Repair
The ATC-43 USB contains an indexed pdf of three reports, Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, Basic Procedures Manual...
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Minimum quantity for "Evaluation and Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings" is 1.

Post-Disaster, Extreme Wind, Coastal Inundation, Research
The ATC-44 report, Hurricane Fran, North Carolina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance Report, was funded by the Applied Technology Council. (Published...
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Minimum quantity for "Hurricane Fran, North Carolina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance Report" is 1.

Coastal Inundation, Research, Pre-Disaster, Extreme Wind
The ATC-45 Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings After Windstorms and Floods was developed with funding from ATC, the ATC Endowment Fund , and the...
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Minimum quantity for "Field Manual: Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods" is 1.

Bridges & Lifelines, Earthquake and Tsunami, Bridge Design and Retrofit
The ATC-49-1 report, Liquefaction Study Report , was prepared by a joint venture partnership between ATC and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake...
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Minimum quantity for "Liquefaction Study Report Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges" is 1.

Building Evaluation, Safety Evaluation, Post-Disaster, Earthquake and Tsunami
The ATC-54 report, Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response, was funded by the California Strong Motion...
In stock

Minimum quantity for "Guidelines for Using Strong-Motion Data and Shakemaps in Postearthquake Response" is 1.