The Italian version of the ATC-51-2 report, Raccomandazioni congiunte Stati Uniti-Italia per il Controventamento e lÍAncoraggio dei Componenti Non Strutturali negli Ospedali Italiani, was developed under a third contract with Servizio Sismico Nazionale of Italy (National Seismic Survey of Italy). (Published 2003, 164 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report contains: (1) technical background information, including an overview of nonstructural component damage in prior earthquakes;(2) generalized recommendations for assessment of nonstructural components and recommended performance objectives and requirements;(3) specific recommendations pertaining to twenty-seven different types of nonstructural components; (4) design examples that illustrate in detail how a structural engineer evaluates and designs the retrofit of a nonstructural component; (5) additional seismic design considerations for nonstructural components; and (6) guidance pertaining to the design and selection of devices for seismic anchorage.
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