**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD** An electronic copy of this report is available from the FEMA library.
The ATC-65 (FEMA 455) Report, Handbook for Rapid Screening of Buildings to Evaluate Terrorism Risk, was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and developed under the ATC-65 project. (Published 2009, 174 pages)
ABSTRACT: This Handbook describes a rapid visual screening procedure that quantifies the risk to a building due to a terrorist attack that is capable of causing catastrophic losses in terms of fatalities, injuries, damage, or business interruption. The primary purpose of this screening procedure is to prioritize the relative risk among a group of buildings in a portfolio or community but it can also be used to develop building-specific risk information. It is intended to be the first step in a tiered assessment process that includes successively more refined analyses when more detailed information is needed.
This report is available exclusively through ATC in printed (hard copy) color format only, or free for download at the FEMA website.
View Title Page, Preface, and Contents on the "Downloadable" tab
Note: FEMA documents are available online free of charge. The above cost is the cost of handling.