The ATC-58-1 report, Proceedings of FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Communicating Earthquake Risk, was funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (Published 2002, 87 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report provides the proceedings of a workshop conducted on June 18, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois under the ATC-58 project.
The ATC-58 Project is being conducted in several phases, as resources become available. In Phase 1, which commenced in late 2001, ATC developed a management process for the project, identified and engaged key project management and oversight personnel, developed a project Work Plan, commenced development of a report on performance characterization, and conducted two workshops to obtain input on project needs and goals.
Workshop One, the proceedings of which are presented in this document, focused on communicating earthquake risk. Held on June 18, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois, Workshop One was organized to obtain preliminary feedback from a cross section of building stakeholders, including real estate developers, building owners, corporate tenants, lenders, insurers and other interested parties as to how performance based seismic design guidelines can most usefully deal with issues of earthquake risk. In particular, the workshop dealt with three important issues:
- identification of those aspects of earthquake-related risk that are of most concern to the stakeholders;
- appropriate means to communicate the low-probability but potentially significant consequences of earthquakes; and
- appropriate means to communicate the considerable uncertainties associated with prediction of the effects of earthquakes and the performance of individual affected structures.
FEMA recently funded the development of an Action Plan by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI, 2000) that lays out a roadmap for the development of acceptable design criteria for performance-based seismic design for various levels of seismic hazards for both new and existing buildings. FEMA plans to implement this action plan to guide the development of design criteria that will yield a desired level of building performance, through the ATC-58 project. The plan includes the establishment of a mechanism for characterizing different levels of seismic performance for different seismic hazard conditions and building characteristics as well as quantification of acceptable building performance characteristics. The ultimate goal of performance-based seismic design is the development of building design criteria that would give a building owner or regulator the ability to select a building's expected performance for a specific earthquake hazard.
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