**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD** An electronic copy of this report is available from the FEMA library. The Recovery Advisories for the South Napa Earthquake can be found here.
This report describes the performance of structural and nonstructural systems in the 2014 South Napa earthquake. The goal of the project was to document the performance of a population of buildings, the majority of which were older buildings and many of those had been seismically retrofitted, and develop a series of recommendations to further improve mitigation. This goal focused on the performance of seismic retrofitting, particularly for unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings and evaluating the performance of non-structural components, since they were responsible for the vast majority of the damage and injuries. In addition, the data from this project will also be used to validate two new FEMA assessment methodologies; the new FEMA P-58 Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings and the third edition of FEMA P-154 Rapid Visual Screening.
Most of the buildings were evaluated using the ATC-38 methodology, which called for designating one or more specific strong motion instrument sites and investigating every building within a 1,000 foot radius using an established form.
Note: FEMA documents are available online free of charge, and in hard copy by contacting FEMA (phone: 1-800-480-2520). The above cost is the cost of handling.