**FREE FOR DOWNLOAD** An electronic copy of this report is available from the FEMA library.
The ATC-122-1 project, “Reducing the Risk to our Schools from Natural Hazards and Improving the Safety of Our Children” was funded by FEMA to develop a School Safety Guide addressing multiple natural hazards, including earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and flooding. FEMA P-1000, Safer, Stronger, Smarter: A Guide to Improving School Natural Hazard Safety, aims to equip school safety advocates and stakeholders with the information, tools, and resources they need to promote safer schools in their communities and it aims to empower and support decision-makers by providing actionable advice.
This document is available for free download on the FEMA website or free of charge in hard copy format by contacting FEMA (phone: 1-800-480-2520).
View Title Page, Preface, and Contents on the "Downloadable" tab
Note: FEMA documents are available online free of charge. The above cost is the cost of handling.