The ATC-29 report,Proceedings of a Seminar and Workshop on Seismic Design and Performance of Equipment and Nonstructural Elements in Buildings and Industrial Structures, was developed under a grant from the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). (Published 1992, 470 pages)
ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 35 papers describing state-of-the-art technical information pertaining to the seismic design and performance of equipment and nonstructural elements in buildings and industrial structures. The papers were presented at a seminar in Irvine, California in 1990. Included are papers describing current practice, codes and regulations, earthquake performance, analytical and experimental investigations, development of new seismic qualification methods, and research, practice, and code development needs for specific elements and systems. The report also includes a summary of a proposed 5-year research agenda for NCEER.
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