FEMA 276, Example Applications of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings

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The ATC-33c (FEMA 276) report, Example Applications of the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, was developed under a contract with the Building Seismic Safety Council, for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the ATC-33 project. (Published 1997, 295 pages.)

ABSTRACT: The Example Applications document has been organized to provide guidance to the engineer through the rehabilitation process. The report contains (1) a description of the general steps in the seismic rehabilitation process, (2) background information relating to the development of typical rehabilitation costs, and (3) seismic rehabilitation examples organized by model building type. The examples include a description of the model building type and its common structural characteristics, loads, and load paths, an explanation of the typical analysis procedures commonly used to the determine the response behavior of the existing building and proposed rehabilitation, a list of measures that may be employed to rehabilitate typical deficiencies commonly found in the model building type, and typical costs for seismic rehabilitation based on the FEMA Typical Costs of Seismic Rehabilitation documents, second edition (FEMA 156 and 157).

Available free of charge by contacting FEMA (phone: 1-800-480-2520).

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FEMA 276 Preface and TOC (FEMA276pref&toc.pdf, 3,149 Kb) [Download]